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Pragma uses the programming language Lua 5.1 (with LuaJIT) for its scripting engine. If you're new to Lua, the PIL is a good starting point.

Any text editor suited for programming (Notepad++, Sublime, Visual Studio Code, etc.) can be used to write Lua scripts, however using the ZeroBrane IDE is highly recommended due to its powerful debugging capabilities specialized for Lua development.

You can find a list of available libraries and classes for Pragma in the API documentation over here.

Tutorials will follow (if there is demand).


All Entities


for ent in ents.iterator({ents.IteratorFilterComponent(ents.COMPONENT_PLAYER)}) do


Creating a prop and placing it in front of the player console command +physics

local ent = ents.create_prop()


Create a trigger +Touch Event


Registering a console command


Creating a GUI element




creating an image buffer



Creating a timer


light source -> parent to player


3d gui element


create zombie





Math examples