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Pragma uses the programming language Lua 5.1 (with LuaJIT) for its scripting engine. If you're new to Lua, the PIL is a good starting point.

Any text editor suited for programming (Notepad++, Sublime, Visual Studio Code, etc.) can be used to write Lua scripts, however using the ZeroBrane IDE is highly recommended due to its powerful debugging capabilities specialized for Lua development.

Pragma has one Lua state per game state. If you're running a local game, that means you have a clientside and a serverside game state, which means you also have a clientside and a serverside Lua state. If you're connecting to a server, only the clientside state will exist locally.

Lua states are completely independent and cannot communicate directly with each other (except via net messages). That means that any variables defined in the serverside state are not accessable in the clientside state and vice versa. Most functions and classes are available for either state, some are, however, restricted to either one. For instance, since the GUI is entirely clientside, GUI functions and classes are only available for the clientside Lua state.

 TODO: Refer to documentation colors

Pragma has two game states, one serverside and one clientside. If you're running a local game, both states will be part of the same Pragma instance. If you're connecting to a server, only the clientside state will exist locally.

Hello World




Since the Lua state is part of the game state, that means that there is also a serverside Lua state and a clientside Lua state, which are c




Make sure map loaded

There are multiple ways to use Lua:

  • Console: You can use the "lua_run"

You can find a list of available libraries and classes for Pragma in the API documentation over here.

Tutorials will follow (if there is demand).


All Entities


Respawn all players (serrverside):
for ent in ents.iterator({ents.IteratorFilterComponent(ents.COMPONENT_PLAYER)}) do
	local playerC = ent:GetComponent(ents.COMPONENT_PLAYER)
Registering a console command
    if(pl ~= nil) then
		print("Command was initiated by player ",pl:GetEntity():GetName())
    print("Command arguments: ",...)
    local arg1,arg2,arg3 = ...
    -- Do something with arguments

Register a console variable and do something on change:

local cvHealth = console.register_variable("player_gravity_factor","1",bit.bor(console.FLAG_BIT_ARCHIVE,console.FLAG_BIT_REPLICATED),"Specifies barney's default health.")

local gravityFactor = cvHealth:GetInt()



Creating a prop and placing it in front of the player console command +physics

local ent = ents.create_prop()


Create a trigger +Touch Event





Creating a GUI element
local rect = gui.create("WIRect")

local text = gui.create("WIText",rect)
text:SetText("Hello World")
Creating a custom class


creating an image buffer



Creating a timer
-- Print "Hello" every 2 seconds
local numberOfRepetitions = -1 -- -1 = infinite
local timer = time.create_timer(2.0,numberOfRepetitions,function()

-- Remove the timer after 15 seconds using a second timer

light source -> parent to player

Turn on flashlight, change intensity and color

3d gui element


create zombie





Math examples

Ballistic Arc