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HDRI Skies

  • Sky

    If override:you Thiswant definesto use a sky in your scene, you can do so by using a HDRI sky texture. PFM already ships with a few different HDRI skies, but you can also find plenty for free online, such as on or Custom HDRIs should be extracted to Pragma/addons/filmmaker/materials/skies/.

    To use a HDRI sky, all you have to do is add a sky actor to your scene. Click the backgroundcreate_actor_button.png-button in the actor editor and select New sky. If the option is not available, you probably already have a sky imageactor ifin you're rendering an outdooryour scene (oronly anone indooris sceneallowed).


    You windows).can change the sky texture by clicking the pfm_sky component of the sky actor and changing the skyTexture property. The choice of skyHDRI is important andtexture can have a tremendoussignificant impacteffect on the lighting conditions in your scene,scene choosewhen itrendering carefully!with Bothone equirectangular HDR and PNG images are supported, but it's important thatof the imagesraytracing have a 16-bit color depth (HDR colors). You can also leave this field empty to use the map's skybox for the sky instead.

  • Sky Strength:renderers. The lighting influence intensity of the lightsky emittedis bycontrolled through the strength property.

    HDRI skies can be used with the Pragma renderer, but in this case they currently only work if the map has a skybox.

    Sky Orientation

    The position of the sky image.

  • does
not matter, but you can change the rotation of the sky with the rotation_tool.png-tool. This property can also be animated, which you can use to give the impression of moving clouds.