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Volumetric Lighting


Volumetric Spot-Lights

Volumetric spot-lights are currently only supported for the Pragma renderer!


To add a volumetric effect to a spot-light source, simply right-click the Components element of the spot-light actor in the actor editor and select Create new Component > light_spot_volume. The intensity of the volumetric effect depends on the light's intensity, but can also modified with the intensity property of the light_spot_volume component.


Volumetric Scene Lighting

Volumes are currently not supported for the Pragma renderer.

Adding a volume to your scene will significantly increase the number of samples required for the scene, increasing render times.

When using the LuxCoreRender renderer, the volume will affect the entire scene globally, regardless of the volume bounds.

Create a new Volume actor. This will create a cube-shaped volume encompassing the entire scene, which means the volumetric effect will appear everywhere:

TODO: Image

TODO: Properties

TODO: Changing bounds