See progress reports for a showcase of new features.
Version 1.0.5 [2022-08-30]
Filmmaker v0.4.6
- Added Pragma Renderer
- Added SSAA
- Added motion blur
- Added directional light maps
- Added volumetric spot-lights
- Virtual Reality support
- Added new transform gizmo system
- Added/Improved viewport actor interaction
- Added undo-redo system
- Added decals
- Added tutorials
- Added option for importing map into project
- Added new actor context menu options
- Added support for rendering legacy Eye shader with Cycles X
- General UI improvement updates
- Significantly improve quality of baked lightmaps
- Added components:
- pfm_baked_lighting
- pfm_cuboid_bounds
- pfm_pragma_renderer
- pfm_motion_blur
- pfm_rt_mover
- pfm_overlay_object
- pfm_camera_actor_link
- pfm_selection_wireframe
- pfm_cone_wireframe
- Added motion blur effect
- Added object BVH system for fast scene intersection tests
- Added directional lightmap baking
- Improved volumetric spot-light effect
- Fixed bloom effect appearing stretched on widescreen resolutions
- Fixed white edges around objects with masked alpha transparency
- Added entity components:
- renderer_pp_bloom, renderer_pp_dof, renderer_pp_fog, renderer_pp_fxaa, renderer_pp_tone_mapping
- optical_camera
- bvh, static_bvh_cache, static_bvh_user
- light_map_data_cache
- Fixed various crashes
- Added table.count, table.is_empty
- Added gui.Element:FindAncestorByClass, :SetAutoSizeToContents, :UpdateAutoSizeToContents, :ShouldAutoSizeToContentsX, :ShouldAutoSizeToContentsY
- Added game.Model:GetEyeball, .Load
- Added ents.EyeComponent:FindEyeballIndex, :GetEyeballProjectionVectors
- Added ents.ClickComponent.find_entities_in_kdop
- Added ents.BvhComponent:IntersectionTestKDop
- Added ents.BaseBhvComponent:RebuildBvh, :FindPrimitiveMeshInfo, .HitInfo:CalcHitNormal
- Added ents.DecalComponent:ApplyDecal
- Added util.ImageBuffer:SetPixelColor
- Added game.Model.Mesh.Sub:HasVertexWeights
- Added python library
- Added prosper.util.record_resize_image, .create_generic_image_descriptor_set
- Added Model.Mesh.Sub:MakeVerticesUnique, :SetVertices, :SetIndices
- Added asset.get_asset_state
- Added vector.calc_spherical_stereo_transform
- Added ents.LightMapComponent.DataCache:GetInstanceIds, :GetInstancePose
- Added ents.BaseEnvLightSpotComponent:CalcConeFalloff, :CalcDistanceFalloff
- Added ents.BaseEnvLightPointComponent:CalcDistanceFalloff
- Added util.ThreadPool:WaitForCompletion
- Added ents.citerator, ents.get_all_c, ents.IteratorFilterFunction
- Added classes ents.
LightMapComponent.LightMapDataCacheComponent, ents.LightMapComponent.DataCache
Version 1.0.4 [2022-05-31]
Filmmaker v0.4.5
- Replaced Cycles with Cycles X (With OptiX and OptiX denoising)
- Significantly improved performance of live raytracing render
- Live raytracing render now automatically updates on certain scene changes (e.g. lighting)
- Graph Editor is now mostly functional and can be used for animating
- Added internal Web-Browser which automatically detects and imports downloaded assets
- Added new project file format (old format is no longer supported)
- Added reflection probe and lightmap baking
- Added option to copy/paste and share actors with animation data between projects
- Added secondary and tertiary viewports
- Significantly reduce real-time peformance impact of retargeted actors
- Sky settings have been moved to "sky" actor component to allow animating sky properties
- Sky overrides and angles can now be previewed in the game viewport
- Actors and actor components can now be removed
- Improved asset explorer filter
- "emission_factor" entry field in material editor is now a color field instead of a simple slider
- General load and save performance improvements
- Added quicksave and autosave
- Added new rebindable hotkey system and default hotkeys
- Bones can now be animated with transform widgets in 3D viewport
- Support for volumetric spotlights when rendering with Cycles
- Generated model asset icons now zoom in and focus on the character head for character models
- Added IK configs, IK posing and animating with IK
- Actors can now be right-clicked in game viewport to edit materials directly
- Fixed timeline zoom issues and improved zooming behavior
- Fixed incorrect camera FOV values when importing a SFM session
- Lots of crash, interface, general bug fixes, improvements and QOL changes
- Added support for meshes with more than 65535 vertices
- Significantly improved asset loading times
- Added model asset import support for formats: blend, fbx, dae, x3d, obj, abc, usd, pmx (MMD)
- Assets can now be automatically detected and imported from archive files
- Added support for Source Engine "Eyes" shader
- Added support for "$alpha" VMT parameter
- Added console commands:
- asset_multithreading_enabled
- asset_file_cache_enabled
- render_enable_verbose_output
- debug_dump_font_glyph_map
- locale_localize
- util_convert_cubemap_to_equirectangular_image
- util_convert_equirectangular_image_to_cubemap
- Added "-console" launch parameter arguments: "gui", "guid"
- Console command launch parameters that appear after "+map" are now executed after the map has been loaded
- Added entity components:
- game_animation_player, game_animation_recorder
- func_portal, portal
- liquid_surface, liquid_volume, buoyancy, surface, liquid
- weapon_physcannon
- wireframe_camera
- Added maps: test_3d_skybox, test_ai_nav, test_fog, test_mirror, test_physics, test_portal, test_water, test_particles
- Added gravity gun script
- Added support for rotating GUI elements
- Added support for UTF8 fonts and localization
- Added "local view target factor" for controlling character eyes
- Updated particle system to new renderer
- Various blob particle improvements
- Fixed water buoyancy physics
- Fixed fog not rendering
- Fixed 3D skybox not rendering
- Fixed water not rendering
- Fixed issue where light source could appear as turned on despite being turned off or removed previously
- Fixed crash when loading models with custom activity names
- Added Fortress Forever to default mount list
- Added support for equirectangular skyboxes and sky angles
- Fixed crash when attempting to export model asset with invalid flex rules
- Fixed some model meshes not being rendered
- Maps in new-game menu are now split into native maps and external maps
- General performance improvements
Spot-light inner cone angle has been replaced with blend fraction
Spot-light outer cone angle has been changed from half-angle to full-angle
- prop_dynamic entities no longer spawn with physics
- General crash fixes and improvements
- Lua-defined component members can now be animated
- Add "prepared render command buffer" system for issuing multi-threaded render commands
- Component member flags can now be specified as strings
- Added Component member meta data information
- Added function bindings:
- asset.find, asset.clear_unused, asset.normalize_asset_name, asset.load, asset.reload, asset.precache, asset.is_supported_extension, asset.wait_until_loaded, asset.wait_until_all_pending_jobs_complete, asset.poll, asset.poll_all
- ents.Entity:GetUri, :GetMemberValue, :SetMemberValue, :DebugPrintComponentProperties
- ents.EntityComponent:Log, :GetUri, :GetMemberUri, :GetDynamicMemberIndices, :GetStaticMemberCount, :GetMemberIndices
- ents.ModelComponent:ReloadRenderBufferList, :IsDepthPrepassEnabled, :SetDepthPrepassEnabled, :IsAutoLodEnabled, :SetAutoLodEnabled
- ents.BaseEnvLightSpotComponent:GetBlendFractionProperty, :GetOuterConeAngleProperty, :GetConeStartOffsetProperty
- ents.CameraComponent:GetFocalDistance, :SetFocalDistance, :GetFocalDistanceProperty
- ents.PanimaComponent:DebugPrint, :GetCurrentTime, :SetCurrentTime, :GetCurrentTimeFraction, :SetCurrentTimeFraction, :ReloadAnimation
- ents.LightComponent:SetLightIntensityType, :SetLightIntensity
- ents.ReflectionComponent:GetLocationIdentifier, :GenerateFromEquirectangularImage
- ents.LightComponent:IsBaked, :SetBaked
- ents.add_component_creation_listener
- ents.find_installed_custom_components, ents.get_registered_entity_types
- ents.RenderComponent:IsInPvs
- ents.TransformComponent:Teleport
- ents.WorldComponent:RebuildRenderQueues
- ents.ModelComponent:UpdateRenderMeshes
- file.is_empty
- debug.render_mesh
- game.get_number_of_scenes_queued_for_rendering, game.get_queued_scene_render_info, game.set_gameplay_control_camera, game.reset_gameplay_control_camera, game.get_gameplay_control_camera, game.clear_gameplay_control_camera, game.get_primary_camera_render_mask
- geometry.calc_rect_circle_touching_position
- gui.create_render_target, gui.create_color_image, gui.register_default_skin, gui.set_focus_enabled, gui.is_focus_enabled
- game.DrawSceneInfo:AddSubPass
- gui.Base:CheckPosInBounds
- gui.DropDownMenu:FindOptionIndex
- gui.Element:GetRelativePos, :SetLocalAlpha, :GetLocalAlpha, :IsRemovalScheduled, :ResetRotation, :GetRotationMatrix, :SetRotation, :SetStencilEnabled, :IsStencilEnabled, :SetLocalRenderTransform, :ClearLocalRenderTransform, :DrawToTexture, :GetLocalRenderTransform, :AnchorWithMargin, :ClearFocus, :SetParentAndUpdateWindow
- gui.Text:GetTextHeight, :UpdateSubLines, :SetMaxLineCount, :GetMaxLineCount
- gui.Shape:ClearBuffer, :SetShape, :GetBuffer, :SetBuffer, :GetVertexCount
- gui.WIContextMenu:IsPopulated
- gui.ProgressBar:SetLabelVisible
- input.InputBindingLayer, input.add_input_binding_layer, input.get_input_binding_layers, input.get_input_binding_layer, input.remove_input_binding_layer, input.get_core_input_binding_layers, input.update_effective_input_bindings, input.get_effective_input_bindings, input.set_binding_layer_enabled, input.is_binding_layer_enabled, input.is_binding_layer_enabled, input.InputBindingLayer:FindBoundKeys
- locale.localize
- math.snap_to_gridf, math.get_power_of_2_values, math.calc_bezier_point
- math.Mat4.create_reflection
- math.Quaternion:MirrorAxis
- math.Transform:ToPlane, math.Transform:Reflect
- math.Vector2:GetAngle, math.Vector:Reflect
- Model:GetExtensionData, :GetSubMesh, :FindSubMeshId
- Model.Mesh.Sub:GetTriangle, :GetIndexType, :SetIndexType, :AddIndex, :SetIndex, :GetIndex, :HasUvSet, :GetExtensionData, :ReverseIndices, IndexType and MaxIndex enums
- Renamed Model.Mesh.Sub:GetTriangles to :GetIndices
- panima.Animation.load, :RemoveChannel
- panima.Channel:Resize, :GetSize, :SetTime, :SetValue, :ClearValueExpression, :GetValueExpression, :RemoveValue, :FindInterpolationIndices, :FindIndex, :RemoveValueRange, :AddValueRange, :SortValues, :GetInterpolatedValue, :FindIndexRangeInTimeRange
- prosper.blur_texture
- prosper.RenderTarget:GetColorAttachmentTexture, :GetDepthStencilAttachmentTexture
- prosper.Window:GetMonitorBounds, :Maximize, :IsMaximized
- shader.BaseTexturedLit3D:IsDepthPrepassEnabled, :SetDepthPrepassEnabled
- table.is_empty, table.table_to_map
- util.File:GetSize, util.import_assets, util.generate_hair_file, util.generate_hair_data
- udm.is_numeric_type, is_generic_type, is_non_trivial_type, type_to_string, get_numeric_component, lerp, get_numeric_component_count, is_vector_type, is_matrix_type, get_matrix_row_count, get_matrix_column_count, is_array_type, get_class_type, parse
- input.is_ctrl_key_down, is_alt_key_down, is_shift_key_down
- udm.Array:ToTable, udm.PropertyWrapper:ToTable, :ToAscii
- udm.Property:AddValueRange, :RemoveValueRange, :SetValueType, :RemoveValue, :Copy
- Material:SetLoaded
- Added classes/enums:
- util.ThreadPool
- util.ZipFile
- gui.DrawToTextureInfo
- Fixed EntityComponent:GetMemberValue, :SetMemberValue not working correctly for some member types
- Fixed util.remove not removing all objects in table correctly in some cases
- Fixed Lua-defined component members of type string not working correctly
Version 1.0.2 [2021-09-13]
Filmmaker v0.4.3
- Added options for animating actor properties
command can now export retargeted models- Fixed depth buffer issues if camera nearZ or farZ is set to 0
- Fixed some meshes not being rendered when rendering with Cycles/LuxCoreRender
- Added volumetric lighting options
- Added subdivision options for materials
- Added option for enabling PhotonGI cache
- Added new animation system
- Added animation math expression system
- Added animation driver system
- Added entity component member system
- Fixed translucent objects causing depth rendering issues
- Fixed eyes_updown / eyes_rightleft flex controllers not working correctly
- Fixed crash instance when trying to import some Source Engine materials with invalid texture references
- Fixed crash instance when importing some Source Engine maps
- Fixed issue where some meshes would appear invisible if the actor has a skin > 0
- Fixed textures with format ABGR8888 getting imported with swapped color channels
- Added new Lua API documentation
- Added CompositeComponent:GetEntities, :GetRootGroup, :AddChildGroup, :GetChildGroups
- Added panima library
- Added ents.EntityComponent:GetMemberIndex, :GetMemberInfo
- Added util.get_object_hash
- Added ents.UniversalEntityReference, ents.UniversalComponentReference and ents.UniversalMemberReference
- Added ents.AnimatedComponent.parse_component_channel_path, :ClearPreviousAnimation, :ReloadAnimation, :AdvanceAnimations
- Added ents.EntityComponent:GetMemberInfos
- Added udm.Array:GetArrayType, udm.Element:GetArrayValues, :SetArrayValues, udm.to_json
- Added type aliases:
- Entity components can be used in place of entity arguments on C++ function calls
- EulerAngles and Quaternions can be used interchangeably
- Vector types can be used interchangeably where applicable
Version 1.0.1 [2021-06-22]
Filmmaker v0.4.2
- Improve retargeting performance
- Fix various retargeting issues
- General retargeting improvements
- Update default material hair settings
- Added updated Lua documentation and ZeroBrane configuration files
- Updated "lua_help" documentation database
- Added "TF2" and "HL1" demo gamemodes
- Fixed random crashes on some hardware
- Fixed issue where game could freeze permanently during shutdown
- Fixed Lua JIT-Compiler not being enabled
- Fixed importing glTF models saving material files in wrong location
- Fixed exporting maps not working in some cases when the map name has a "." in the name
- Fixed crash on startup with certain launch parameters
- Fixed automatic asset reloading on asset file change not working
- Fixed issue where Steam locations wouldn't get mounted properly on new Steam installations
- Added additional crash dump debug information
- Transitioned AI-nav file-format to UDM system
- Transitioned Lua documentation file-format to UDM system
- Added Skeleton:IsRootBone string parameter overload
- Added Skeleton:GetBoneHierarchy
- Added phys.Transform.IDENTITY, :GetAngles, :SetAngles, :GetForward, :GetRight, :GetUp, .x, .y, .z, .pitch, .yaw, .roll, phys.ScaledTransform.IDENTITY
- Added CompositeComponent:ClearEntities
- Added table.copy
- Added engine.library_exists
- Added ents.PlayerComponent:SetFlashlightEnabled, :ToggleFlashlight, :IsFlashlightEnabled
- General LuaDoc improvements
Version 0.9.15 [2021-05-30]
Filmmaker v0.4.1
- Added console commands: pfm_max_fps, pfm_asset_icon_size
- Added bone visualization to retarget editor
- Retarget rigs can now be auto-generated from existing rigs if a match can be found
- Various retargeting improvements
- Fixed "hair" settings in material editor not working
- Fixed PFM not showing up in new game menu
- Fixed material editor and explorer not working properly
- Added console commands: udm_validate, asset_clear_unused, asset_clear_unused_textures, asset_clear_unused_models, asset_clear_unused_materials, cache_version_target, loc_reload
- Added launch option: -audio_api <audioApi>
- Added game mount priority options
- Physics engine can now be toggled between PhysX and Bullet
- Bullet is now the default physics engine
- Audio engine is now implemented as a module (can be changed in options)
- Assets are now automatically cleared from memory when not in use
- Transition particle system format to UDM
- Fixed entities appearing invisible in some cases
- Fixed various character animation issues
- Fixed character eyes not working correctly if entity is scaled
- Fixed issue where models with a "." in the name could not get imported properly
- Fixed maps not being rendered if map was compiled without BSP
- Fixed crash when generating reflection probes
- Fixed crash when loading map with invalid world model
- Fixed various crash instances
- Fixed various shader/rendering issues
- Added debug.beep and debug.print
- Added phys.CollisionObject:SetAlwaysAwake, :IsAlwaysAwake
- Added math.map_value_to_fraction and math.map_value_to_range
- Added locale.set_text
- Added composite and animated2 entity components
- Added util.DirectoryChangeListener class
- Added animation.Channel, .Slice, .Animation2, .Pose, .Player classes
- Added ents.Entity:SetUuid
- Added ents.RenderComponent:GetRenderModeProperty
- Added ents.EyeComponent:GetEyePose
- Added udm.PropertyWrapper:GetChildCount, :HasValue and :ToAscii
- Added ents.AnimatedComponent:GetLayeredAnimations, :ApplyLayeredAnimations
- Added game.Model.Animation:GetBoneId
- Added ents.IteratorFilterModel
- Added asset.delete, .determine_type_from_extension, .get_legacy_extension, .get_binary_udm_extension, .get_ascii_udm_extension, .determine_format_from_data, .determine_format_from_filename, .matches, .relative_path_to_absolute_path, .absolute_path_to_relative_path, .get_udm_format_extension, .get_asset_root_directory, .exists, .find_file, .is_loaded
- Added file.find_absolute_path
- Added new overload for file.remove_file_extension with parameter to specify which extensions to remove
- Added udm.AssetData:SetData
- Added gui.find_focused_window, gui.get_primary_window, gui.find_window_under_cursor, gui.get_base_elements, gui.add_base_element
- Added gui.Element:GetRootElement, :GetRootWindow
- Added shader.BasePbr base class
- Added prosper.create_window, prosper.WindowCreateInfo and prosper.Window classes
- Fixed ents.Entity:SetEnabled Lua binding not behaving correctly in certain cases
- Scripts loaded with lua_exec and lua_exec_cl now auto reload when changed (Unless"nocache" argument is set)
- util.register_class now defines a default constructor and tostring method
- util.register_class now returns class object (or nil) instead of boolean
Version 0.9.14 [21-04-16]
- Added animation and flex retargeting system
- Transform widget can now be toggled between world/local/view space
- Added basic posing and animating capabilities
- Improved hair rendering quality with LuxCoreRender
- Added hair configuration options to material editor
- Added live raytracing preview
- Added "util_export_asset" option to export assets to Source Engine model/material/texture format with optional fake pbr conversion
- Transitioned asset file formats to UDM system
- Added console commands: "udm_convert", "save", "crash", "debug_render_memory_budget" and "debug_render_memory_stats"
- Exporting model with glTF exporter now includes additional UV sets (such as lightmap UVs)
- Fixed rare random deadlock issue
- Added entity UUIDs to uniquely identify entities
- Added additional crash dump debug information
- Added asset.get_supported_extensions, asset.export_texture_as_vtf, asset.TYPE_MAP
- Added ents.GetUuid, ents.AttachableComponent:GetBone
- Added Quaternion:Distance
- Added class ents.IteratorFilterUuid
- Added udm library
- Added game.get_material
- Added util.BSPTree.Node:GetIndex
- Added game.Material:Reset
- Added game.Model.Animation.Load, game.Model.FlexAnimation.Load
- Added game.Model.Mesh.Sub:Copy
- Added game.Model.Animation:GetBoneId
- Added game.Model.Eyeball:GetUpperLidFlexIndices, :GetUpperLidFlexAngles, :GetLowerLidFlexIndices, :GetLowerLidFlexAngles, :GetUpperLidFlexIndex and :GetLowerLidFlexIndex
- Added game.Model.FCOPY_BIT_FLEX_ANIMATIONS flag
- Added ents.ModelComponent:GetBodyGroups, :SetBodyGroups
- Added ents.AnimatedComponent:GetBaseAnimationFlags, :SetBaseAnimationFlags, :GetLayeredAnimationFlags, :SetLayeredAnimationFlags, ents.AnimatedComponent:SetAnimatedRootPoseTransformEnabled, :IsAnimatedRootPoseTransformEnabled, :AddRootPoseBone, :SetRootPoseBoneId, :GetRootPoseBoneId and ents.AnimatedComponent.FPLAYANIM_LOOP
- Added ents.LightComponent:SetMorphTargetsInShadowsEnabled, :AreMorphTargetsInShadowsEnabled, .BakeSettings.globalLightIntensityFactor and .import_lightmap_atlas
- Added ents.ReflectionProbeComponent:GetIBLMaterialFilePath, :CaptureIBLReflectionsFromScene and :RequiresRebuild
- Added prosper.Image:IsSrgb, :IsNormalMap, :SetSrgb, :SetNormalMap and :Convert
- Added prosper.Mesh:ClearBuffers
- Added ents.LightMapComponent:SetLightmapAtlas
- Added ents.RenderComponent:ClearBuffers
- Removed game.Model.Eyeball:GetUpperFlexDesc, :GetLowerFlexDesc, :GetUpperTarget, :GetLowerTarget, .lowerLidFlexDesc and .upperLidFlexDesc
Version 0.9.13 [2021-03-14]
- Fully integrated LuxCoreRender
- Added support for transparent backgrounds/skies when rendering with LuxCoreRender
- Added new render tool commands (LuxCoreRender only):
- preview: Creates a preview image of what's been rendered so far and opens it in the default image program
- pause: Pauses the current render
- resume: Resumes the current render
- stop: Stops the render and uses what's been rendered so far to generate the final image
- suspend: Creates a .rsm-file, which can be used to continue the render at a later date
- export: Exports the entire scene in a LuxCoreRender format (including models and textures), which can be used to render it with the standalone LuxCoreRender program
- Fixed issue where importing textures via drag-and-drop would not generate mipmaps
- Updated build instructions
- Morph targets now affect shadows
- Increased bone limit from 512 to 1024
- Added console commands "strip_weapons" and "cl_render_frustum_culling_enabled"
- Reduced number of entities with unnecessary tick/logic events to improve performance
- Characters now blink if no eyeballs are defined in the model, but blink flex controllers exist
- Added UDM data format for unifying asset file formats
- Fixed issue where viewmodel entities would use incorrect field of view
- Fixed viewmodel not appearing in some cases if viewmodel was changed after weapon was deployed
- Changed entity component net event system so net events no longer have to be registered on the server before they are registered on the client
- Merged cengine with client library and engine with shared
- Removed gamemode system and replaced it with gamemode entity components
- Allows changing gamemodes on the fly, as well as running multiple different gamemodes at the same time
- Added "player" and "gamemode" entity component types (and sub-directories)
- All entity components can now have individual tick/logic events instead of relying on the logic component
- Added udm library for loading/saving/working with udm assets
- Added ents.ModelComponent:GetBodyGroups and :SetBodyGroups
- Added math.Quaternion:Distance
- Added ents.PhysicsComponent:EnableCollisions, :DisableCollisions, :SetCollisionsEnabled, :SetSimulationEnabled and :IsSimulationEnabled
- Added ents.CharacterComponent:SetMoveController and :GetMoveController
- Added util.DataStream:WriteVertex, :ReadVertex
- Added Vector:GetYaw and :GetPitch
- Added util.generate_uuid_v4
- Added ents.register_component_net_event
Version 0.9.12 [2021-02-08]
- Added support for rendering with LuxCoreRender
- Added fur rendering options with LuxCoreRender
- Massive general performance improvements
- Added automatic rendering instancing system
- Added flex animation system
- Added new bloom/glow implementation
- Added lightmap baking with Cycles
- Added console commands debug_render_octree_dynamic_find, debug_render_stats, render_vsync_enabled, render_draw_static, render_draw_dynamic, render_translucent, cl_render_shadow_lod_bias, render_queue_worker_thread_count, debug_textures, sky_override, render_queue_entities_per_worker_job, render_queue_worker_jobs_per_batch, render_instancing_threshold and render_instancing_enabled
- Fixed issue where camera would move upwards continuously in fullscreen windowed resolution mode
- Fixed first LOD being skipped when importing Source Engine models
- Fixed model LODs not working
- Fixed various crash bugs
- Fixed bone scaling not working correctly in some cases
- Added ents.RenderComponent:GetLocalRenderBounds, ents.RenderComponent:GetLocalRenderSphereBounds, ents.RenderComponent:GetAbsoluteRenderBounds, ents.RenderComponent:GetAbsoluteRenderSphereBounds, ents.RenderComponent:SetLocalRenderBounds, ents.RenderComponent:ShouldCastShadows, ents.RenderComponent:ShouldDraw, ents.RenderComponent:ShouldDrawShadow, ents.RenderComponent.EVENT_ON_RENDER_MODE_CHANGED and ents.RenderComponent.EVENT_UPDATE_INSTANTIABILITY
- Added util.DataBlock:GetVector2
- Added game.Material.detail_blend_mode_to_enum and game.Material.DetailBlendMode enums
- Added ents.SceneComponent:GetRenderQueue, ents.SceneComponent:BuildRenderQueue and ents.SceneComponent.CreateInfo
- Added math.Vector:ToScreenUv
- Added game.set_default_game_render_enabled, game.is_default_game_render_enabled, game.render_scenes, game.set_debug_render_filter and game.update_render_buffers
- Added util.ImageBuffer:SwapChannels
- Added prosper.get_api_identifier, prosper.get_api_abbreviation, prosper.wait_for_current_swapchain_command_buffer_completion, prosper.create_primary_command_buffer and prosper.create_secondary_command_buffer
- Added prosper.CommandBuffer:Flush
- Added game.DrawSceneInfo.FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY_BIT, game.DrawSceneInfo.FLAG_DISABLE_RENDER_BIT and game.DrawSceneInfo.flags
- Added classes game.RenderQueue, game.DepthStageRenderProcessor, game.LightingStageRenderProcessor, shader.GameWorld, game.Model.FlexAnimation and game.Model.FlexAnimation.Frame
- Added ents.ModelComponent:SetMaxDrawDistance, ents.ModelComponent:GetMaxDrawDistance and ents.ModelComponent.EVENT_ON_RENDER_MESHES_UPDATED
- Added ents.AnimatedComponent:AreSkeletonUpdateCallbacksEnabled, ents.AnimatedComponent:SetSkeletonUpdateCallbacksEnabled, ents.AnimatedComponent.EVENT_ON_SKELETON_UPDATED, ents.AnimatedComponent.EVENT_ON_BONE_MATRICES_UPDATED and ents.AnimatedComponent.EVENT_ON_BONE_BUFFER_INITIALIZED
- Added util.BSPTree:FindLeafNodesInAABB
- Added ents.LightmapComponent.bake_lightmaps, ents.LightmapComponent:SetExposure, ents.LightmapComponent:GetExposure, ents.LightmapComponent:GetExposureProperty and ents.LightmapComponent.BakeSettings
- Added ents.FlexComponent:PlayFlexAnimation, ents.FlexComponent:StopFlexAnimation, ents.FlexComponent:GetFlexAnimationCycle, ents.FlexComponent:SetFlexAnimationCycle and ents.FlexComponent:SetFlexAnimationPlaybackRate
- Added game.Model:GetFlexAnimations, game.Model:GetFlexAnimationNames, game.Model:GetFlexAnimationCount, game.Model:AddFlexAnimation, game.Model:LookupFlexAnimation, game.Model:GetFlexAnimation, game.Model:GetFlexAnimationName, game.Model:ClearFlexAnimations, game.Model:RemoveFlexAnimation, game.Model.AddFlexControllerId, game.Model.SetFlexControllerValue, game.Model.LookupLocalFlexControllerIndex, game.Model:GetLOD and game.Model.Mesh:RemoveSubMesh
- Added game.RasterizationRenderer:ReloadPresentationRenderTarget
- Added file.to_relative_path
- Added geometry.calc_point_on_triangle and geometry.calc_triangle_area
- util.save_image now has an option for saving cubemap textures
- Removed ents.SceneComponent:PrepareRender, ents.TransformComponent:GetPosProperty, ents.TransformComponent:GetRotationProperty, ents.TransformComponent:GetScaleProperty, game.draw_scene, ents.RenderComponent:GetRenderBounds, ents.RenderComponent:SetRenderBounds, ents.RenderComponent:GetRenderSphereBounds, ents.RenderComponent:GetRenderModeProperty, ents.RenderComponent:SetDepthBias, ents.RenderComponent:GetDepthBias, game.DrawSceneInfo.flipVertically and ents.RenderComponent.RENDERMODE_AUTO
- Changed parameters of ents.SceneComponent:Render and ents.RenderComponent:UpdateRenderBuffers
Version 0.9.11 [2020-11-11]
- Cycles render settings are now saved with the project
- Changed frame render order when rendering animations with external render tool for easier quality control
- Added support for detail maps when rendering with Cycles
- Fixed emission textures having no effect when rendering with Cycles
- Fixed IOR value being set improperly when opening material in material editor
- Fixed material editor not updating properly when switching to a different material
- Fixed HDR output format not working properly when rendering with Cycles
- Changed default gamma correction value when rendering with Cycles to 2.2 (was 2.4 before)
- Added support for $detail, $detailscale, $detailblendfactor, $detailblendmode and $detailtint VMT parameters
- Added CS: GO to default game mount list
- Fixed issue where entities with morph target animations would get visually corrupted if they were made invisible and then visible again
- Fixed issue where ingame cursor position would mismatch actual cursor position in fullscreen windowed resolution mode
- Fixed issue where camera would move upwards continuously in fullscreen windowed resolution mode
- Replaced class game.Scene with ents.SceneComponent
- Added ents.SceneComponent.OcclusionCullingMethod enums
- Added game.Material.DetailBlendMode enums
- Added game.Material.detail_blend_mode_to_enum
- Added ents.SceneComponent:SetOcclusionCullingMethod
- Added game.Model:GetBodyGroupMesh
- Added game.Material:SetShader
- Added ents.Entity:GetBodyGroup and :SetBodyGroup overloads for body group IDs
- Added ents.BaseEntityComponent:Save, ents.BaseEntityComponent:Load and ents.BaseEntityComponent:Copy
- Added ents.Entity:RemoveFromAllScenes and ents.Entity:AddChild
- Added debug.breakpoint (Only available if
was specified in the launch options) - Added math.Mat4:ApplyProjectionDepthBiasOffset
- Added ents.RenderComponent:SetReceiveShadows and ents.RenderComponent:IsReceivingShadows
- Added ents.EyeComponent:ClearViewTarget
- Added util.DataBlock:GetVector2
- Renamed game.create_scene to ents.create_scene
- util.remove now has a second argument for removing objects safely (if available)
- toboolean and toint now accept numbers and booleans as arguments
- Changed parameter order of ents.create_prop
Version 0.9.10
- Added Cycles option for setting the number of frames to the end of a clip or session
- Render jobs now take up a lot less disk space for animations (static geometry is now stored shared instead of every frame)
- Slightly improved overall rendering speed
- Fixed rendering taking up your entire CPU resources when rendering with your GPU
- Fixed an issue where rendering several times consecutively could slow your PC down to a crawl
- Fixed VR renders being flipped horizontally
- Fixed a denoising issue which caused less than optimal denoising quality
- Fixed issue where the tiles in the final image would have mismatching sample counts and some tiles would be lower quality as a result
- Fixed render preview not being interactable when rendering VR images
- Fixed potential crash when doing a preview render with the Vulkan renderer being used
- Minor occlusion culling performance optimizations
- Greatly improved reflection probe rendering speed
- Fixed issue where entities would get rendered with error materials if their skin would exceed the max skin count of their model
- Fixed bone scaling not working correctly
- Fixed massive performance hit for light sources that cast shadows in the past, but had shadow casting disabled
- Fixed BSP occlusion culling not working for imported Source Engine maps
- Fixed meshes not being rendered if entity skin exceeds maximum skin count
- Improved lightmap implementation
- Various minor bug fixes and improvements
- Improved loading times when starting a game
- Added class util.Version
- Added exec
- Added ents.create_prop
- Added ents.AnimatedComponent:SetBindPose and ents.AnimatedComponent:GetBindPose
- Added ents.LightMapComponent:UpdateLightmapUvBuffers, ents.LightMapComponent:ReloadLightmapData and ents.LightMapComponent:SetLightmapAtlas
- Added ents.LightMapReceiverComponent:UpdateLightmapUvData
- Added gui.Element:InjectMouseClick and gui.Element:InjectKeyPress
- Added ents.Entity:IsDisabled and ents.Entity:IsTurnedOff
- Added util.Path:CreateFilePath and util.Path:CreatePath
- Added ents.MapComponent:GetMapIndex
- Added ents.AnimatedComponent:PlayAnimation overloads for playing animations by id
- Added util.DataBlock:ToString
- Added game.Model.Frame:Copy, game.Model.Skeleton.Bone:IsAncestorOf and game.Model.Skeleton.Bone:IsDescendantOf
- Added math.calc_average_rotation
- Added file.strip_illegal_filename_characters
- Added game.Model.Mesh:GetReferenceId
- Added game.Model.Mesh.Sub:FlipTriangleWindingOrder, :SetVertexCount, :SetIndexCount, :AddUVSet, :GetUVSetNames, :SetVertexTangent and :HasUVSet
- Added string.hash
- Added new overload for game.Model.Mesh.Sub:GetUVs, :SetVertexUV, :GetVertexUV with UV set parameter
- Changed argument format for util.pack_zip_archive
- Renamed ents.AnimatedComponent:GetBindPose to ents.AnimatedComponent:GetBoneBindPose
- util.remove now accepts a table as argument
- file.write now automatically creates the file path if it doesn't exist
- File write operations now accept paths that include "addons/<addonName>/" as prefix