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Graph Editor

The Graph Editor (graph_editor_button.png) allowsis where you tocan animate actors and actor properties:

Animating Properties

PFM uses keyframe animations and animation curves, please familiarize yourself with them if you aren't already.

Most actor properties can be animated, with the exception of text-based properties and a new others. To animate a property, make sure you've selected the film clip in the clip editor (clip_editor.png) and the actor component properties you want to animate in the actor editor:


If you switch to the graph editor (graph_editor_button.png), you should see the same properties listed there:


Now move the playhead (playhead.png) to the timestamp at which you want to place a keyframe, and change the property value in the actor editor. A keyframe will be placed automatically, but you can also use the keyframe (keyframe_button.png) button to place a new keyframe. If you place a second keyframe at a different timestamp, an animation curve will be created between them:


Selection Mode pragma_2022-07-23_14-19-15.png

You can select individual keyframes by clicking them directly, or select multiple keyframes by clicking and holding the left mouse button to create a selection rectangle.


You can move a keyframe by clicking and holding the left mouse button on it and moving your mouse.

Move Mode graph_editor_mode.png


If you have keyframes selected, you can move them by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the graph editor and moving your mouse.

You can also move control points the same way:


Pan Mode pragma_2022-07-23_14-20-03.png


Click and drag the graph editor view to pan the view. You can also use the middle mouse button to do this in the other modes as well.

Scale Mode graph_editor_scale.png

Scaling is currently not implemented!

Zoom Mode graph_editor_zoom.png


Click and hold the left mouse button into the graph editor view and move the mouse to zoom in/out at the mouse cursor position.



Mouse Controls


ActionMouse Button
Pan viewMiddle Mouse Button



Action Default Key
Bookmark m
Select q
Move w
Pan e
Scale r
Zoom t
Linear tangents 1
Flat tangents 2
Spline tangents 3
Step tangents 4
Unify tangents 5
Equalize tangent lengths 6
Weighted tangents 7
Unweighted tangents 8