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Console Commands


audio_api <audioApi>

Type: String

The underlying audio API to use.

cache_version <value>

Type: String

The engine version that the cache files are associated with. If this version doesn't match the current engine version, the cache will be cleared.

cache_version_target <value>

Type: String

If cache_version does not match this value, the cache files will be cleared and it will be set to it.

cl_allowdownload <value>

Type: String


cl_allowupload <value>

Type: String


cl_audio_always_play <value>

Type: String

0 = Don't play sounds if window isn't focused., 1 = Always play sounds

cl_audio_hrtf_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables Head-related transfer function.

cl_audio_master_volume <value>

Type: String

Volume scale for all sounds.

cl_audio_streaming_enabled <value>

Type: String

0 = All sounds will be loaded immediately (= Slower load times), 1 = Some sounds will be loaded over time. (= Sounds might start with a delay)

cl_controller_axis_input_threshold <value>

Type: String

Axis inputs below this threshold will be ignored for regular console commands.

cl_controller_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables game controllers / joysticks.

cl_downscale_imported_high_resolution_rma_textures 1/0

Type: Boolean

If enabled, imported high-resolution RMA textures will be downscaled to a more memory-friendly size.

cl_effects_volume <value>

Type: String

Volume scale for effect sounds (e.g. footsteps, gunshots, explosions, etc.).

cl_flex_phoneme_drag <value>

Type: String

Changes the time required for facial phoneme flexes to adapt to new phonemes.

cl_fov <value>

Type: String

Horizontal world field of view.

cl_fov_viewmodel <value>

Type: String

Horizontal view model field of view.

cl_fps_decay_factor <value>

Type: String

How slowly to decay the previous fps.

cl_gpu_device <value>

Type: String

The unique identifier for the GPU vendor and device to use. If empty (or invalid), the first detected device will be used. Usage: <vendorId,deviceId>

cl_gpu_timer_queries_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables GPU timer queries for debugging.

cl_gui_volume <value>

Type: String

Volume scale for sounds emitted by GUI elements.

cl_language <value>

Type: String

Game language.

cl_material_streaming_enabled <value>

Type: String

0 = All materials and textures will be loaded immediately (= Slower load times), 1 = All materials and textures will be loaded over time. (= Black textures until loaded)

cl_max_fps <value>

Type: String

FPS will be clamped at this value. A value of < 0 deactivates the limit.

cl_mouse_acceleration <value>

Type: String

Amount of mouse acceleration. 1 = No acceleration.

cl_mouse_pitch <value>

Type: String

Mouse sensitivity on the pitch axis. Use positive values to invert the axis.

cl_mouse_sensitivity <value>

Type: String

Scale for the mouse sensitivity.

cl_mouse_yaw <value>

Type: String

Mouse sensitivity on the yaw axis.

cl_music_volume <value>

Type: String

Volume scale for music.

cl_physics_simulation_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables physics simulation.

cl_port_tcp <value>

Type: String

Port used for TCP transmissions.

cl_port_udp <value>

Type: String

Port used for UDP transmissions.

cl_render_anti_aliasing <value>

Type: String

0 = No Anti Aliasing, 1 = MSAA, 2 = FXAA.

cl_render_brightness <value>

Type: String

Scene brightness.

cl_render_contrast <value>

Type: String

Scene contrast.

cl_render_depth_of_field <value>

Type: String

Depth of field scale.

cl_render_fov <value>

Type: String

Specifies the horizontal field of view.

cl_render_frustum_culling_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables frustum culling.

cl_render_fxaa_edge_threshold <value>

Type: String

The minimum amount of local contrast required to apply algorithm.

cl_render_fxaa_min_edge_threshold <value>

Type: String

Trims the algorithm from processing darks.

cl_render_fxaa_sub_pixel_aliasing_removal_amount <value>

Type: String

The amount of sub-pixel aliasing removal.

cl_render_lod_bias <value>

Type: String

Model LOD-bias. Higher values means higher LOD-Models will be used at lower distance (=Lower quality).

cl_render_monitor <value>

Type: String

Which monitor to use in fullscreen mode.

cl_render_motion_blur <value>

Type: String

Amount of motion blur. 0 = disabled.

cl_render_msaa_samples <value>

Type: String

1 = MSAAx2, 2 = MSAAx4, 3 = MSAAx8, etc.

cl_render_occlusion_culling <value>

Type: String

0 = Off, 1 = Brute-Force, 2 = CHC++, 3 = Octree, 4 = BSP +Octree

cl_render_particle_quality <value>

Type: String

Quality of particle systems. 0 = No particles will be rendered, 1 = Particles will be unlit, 2 = Particles will receive lighting, 3 = Particles will cast shadows.

cl_render_present_mode <value>

Type: String

0 = Immediate, 1 = FIFO, 2 = Mailbox

cl_render_preset <value>

Type: String

Selected preset in display options.

cl_render_reflection_quality <value>

Type: String

Changes the quality of reflections. 0 = Only static reflections, 1 = Dynamic reflections, 2 = Reflections with particle effects.

cl_render_resolution <value>

Type: String

Changes the internal rendering resolution. If left empty, the resolution will be the same as the window resolution!

cl_render_shader_quality <value>

Type: String

Shader quality. The actual effect depends on the shader. 1 = Lowest Quality, 10 = Highest Quality

cl_render_shadow_dynamic <value>

Type: String

Turns dynamic shadows on or off.

cl_render_shadow_lod_bias <value>

Type: String

Model LOD-bias for shadows. Higher values means higher LOD-Models will be used at lower distance (=Lower quality). This value is added on top of cl_render_lod_bias!

cl_render_shadow_pssm_split_count <value>

Type: String

The number of cascades to be used for PSSM. Cannot be 0 or higher than 4.

cl_render_shadow_pssm_update_frequency_offset <value>

Type: String

Update frequency for PSSM shadows in frames, relative to 'cl_render_shadow_update_frequency'.

cl_render_shadow_resolution <value>

Type: String

Shadowmap Resolution. Higher resolution equals higher quality shadows, but is also more expensive to render.

cl_render_shadow_update_frequency <value>

Type: String

Update frequency in frames. 0 = Updates every frame, 1 = Updates every second frame, etc.

cl_render_ssao <value>

Type: String

1 = Screen space ambient occlusion enabled, 0 = disabled.

cl_render_texture_filtering <value>

Type: String

0 = Nearest Neighbour, 1 = Bilinear Filtering, 2 = Trilinear Filtering, 3 = Antisotropic Filtering x2, 4 = Antisotropic Filtering x4, 5 = Antisotropic Filtering x8, 6 = Antisotropic Filtering x16

cl_render_texture_quality <value>

Type: String

0 = Minimal, 1 = Low, 2 = Medium, 3 = High, 4 = Very High.

cl_render_tone_mapping <value>

Type: String

Changes the tone-mapping algorithm to use. -1 = Use the default, 0 = Gamma correction only, 1 = Reinhard, 2 = Hejil-Richard, 3 = Uncharted, 4 = Aces, 5 = Gran Turismo

cl_render_vr_enabled <value>

Type: String

Turns support for virtual reality on or off.

cl_render_vsync_enabled <value>

Type: String

Turns vertical sync on or off.

cl_render_window_mode <value>

Type: String

0 = Fullscreen, 1 = Windowed, 2 = Windowed no-border.

cl_show_fps <value>

Type: String

Displays the current fps at the top left of the screen if enabled.

cl_steam_audio_ambisonics_order <value>

Type: String

The amount of directional detail in the simulation results. Range: [0,3].

cl_steam_audio_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables steam audio.

cl_steam_audio_ir_duration <value>

Type: String

The time delay between a sound being emitted and the last audible reflection. Range: [0.5,4.0].

cl_steam_audio_number_of_bounces <value>

Type: String

The maximum number of times any ray can bounce within the scene. Range: [1,32].

cl_steam_audio_number_of_diffuse_samples <value>

Type: String

The number of directions to consider when a ray bounces off a diffuse (or partly diffuse) surface. Range: [32,4096].

cl_steam_audio_number_of_rays <value>

Type: String

The number of rays to trace from the listener. Range: [1024,131072].

cl_steam_audio_propagation_delay_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables propagation delay if steam audio is enabled.

cl_steam_audio_reverb_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables the reverb DSP effect.

cl_steam_audio_reverb_indirect_binaural <value>

Type: String

Spatialize reverb using HRTF.

cl_steam_audio_reverb_simulation_type <value>

Type: String

Real-time or baked. 0 = Real-time, 1 = Baked.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_air_absorption <value>

Type: String

Enable air absorption.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_direct_binaural <value>

Type: String

Spatialize direct sound using HRTF.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_direct_level <value>

Type: String

Relative level of direct sound. Range: [0,1].

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_distance_attenuation <value>

Type: String

Enable distance attenuation. If disabled, regular distance attenuation will be used instead.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables the spatialize DSP effect.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_hrtf_interpolation <value>

Type: String

HRTF interpolation. 0 = Nearest, 1 = Bilinear.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_indirect <value>

Type: String

Enable indirect sound.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_indirect_binaural <value>

Type: String

Spatialize indirect sound using HRTF.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_indirect_level <value>

Type: String

Relative level of indirect sound. Range: [0,10].

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_occlusion_method <value>

Type: String

Direct occlusion algorithm. 0 = Raycast, 1 = Partial.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_occlusion_mode <value>

Type: String

Direct occlusion and transmission mode. 0 = Off, 1 = On, No Transmission, 2 = On, Frequency Independent Transmission, 3 = On, Frequency Dependent Transmission.

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_simulation_type <value>

Type: String

Real-time or baked. 0 = Real-time, 1 = Baked

cl_steam_audio_spatialize_static_listener <value>

Type: String

Uses static listener.

cl_updaterate <value>

Type: String

The amount of times per second user input is being transmitted to the server.

cl_voice_volume <value>

Type: String

Volume scale for voice (Coming from players and NPCs).

cl_vr_hmd_view_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables the view for virtual reality (Only works if virtual reality has been enabled in the menu.).

cl_vr_mirror_window_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables the mirror window for virtual reality (Only works if virtual reality has been enabled in the menu.).

cl_water_surface_simulation_edge_iteration_count <value>

Type: String

The more iterations, the more detailed the water simulation will be, but at a great performance cost.

cl_water_surface_simulation_enable_gpu_acceleration <value>

Type: String

If enabled, water surfaces will be simulated on the GPU instead of the CPU. This should greatly improve performance in most cases.

cl_water_surface_simulation_spacing <value>

Type: String

Grid spacing for simulating water surfaces. Lower values will result in a more detailed simulation, but at a great performance cost.

cl_window_resolution <value>

Type: String

Changes the window resolution.

debug_ai_navigation <value>

Type: String

Displays the current navigation path for all NPCs.

debug_bsp_lock <value>

Type: String

Locks BSP culling so it doesn't change when the camera moves.

debug_bsp_nodes <value>

Type: String

Prints and draws various debug information about the binary space partitioning of the level (if available). 1 = Draw leaf of camera location and all visible leaves, 2 = Same, but doesn't update continuously.

debug_hide_gui 1/0

Type: Boolean

Disables GUI rendering.

debug_nav_show_meshes <value>

Type: String

Shows the navigation mesh for this map.

debug_occlusion_culling_freeze_camera <value>

Type: String

Freezes the current camera position in place for occlusion culling.

debug_particle_blob_show_neighbor_links <value>

Type: String

debug_physics_draw <value>

Type: String

Draws various physics information as wireframe.

debug_profiling_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables profiling timers.

debug_render_lock_render_command_buffers <value>

Type: String

Locks the current render command buffers and causes them to not be re-created every frame.

debug_render_lock_render_queues <value>

Type: String

Locks the current render queues and effectively disables the render queue thread.

debug_render_normals <value>

Type: String

Displays all normals as lines in the world. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Display normals, 2 = Display normals, tangents and bitangents, 3 = Display face normals, 4 = Display tangents, 5 = Display bitangents.

debug_render_octree_dynamic_draw <value>

Type: String

Draws the octree for dynamic objects.

debug_render_octree_static_draw <value>

Type: String

Draws the octree for static world geometry.

debug_steam_audio_probe_boxes <value>

Type: String

Displays the sound probe spheres for the current map.

host_timescale <value>

Type: String

Specifies the timescale. A value of 2 means the game will run at twice the default speed.

log_enabled <value>

Type: String

0 = Log disabled; 1 = Log errors only; 2 = Log errors and warnings; 3 = Log all console output

log_file <value>

Type: String

The log-file the console output will be logged to.

lua_open_editor_on_error <value>

Type: String

1 = Whenever there's a Lua error, the engine will attempt to automatically open a Lua IDE and open the file and line which caused the error.

net_graph <value>

Type: String

Displays a graph about current network transmissions.

net_library <netLibrary>

Type: String

The underlying networking library to use for multiplayer games.

password <value>

Type: String

Password which will be used for the next connection attempt.

phys_engine <physEngie>

Type: String

The underlying physics engine to use.

playername <value>

Type: String

Local player name.

rcon_password <value>

Type: String

Specifies a password which can be used to run console commands remotely on a server. If no password is specified, this feature is disabled.

render_api <renderApi>

Type: String

The underlying rendering API to use.

render_bloom_amount <value>

Type: String

Number of render passes to use for bloom.

render_bloom_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables bloom and glow effects.

render_bloom_resolution <value>

Type: String

The width for the bloom texture. The height will be calculated using the aspect ratio of the renderer.

render_clear_scene <value>

Type: String

0 = Default, 1 = Screen is cleared before scene is rendered.

render_clear_scene_color <value>

Type: String

Clear color to use if render_clear_scene is set to 1.

render_csm_max_distance <value>

Type: String

The maximum distance at which csm shadows are casted. A larger distance means lower quality.

render_debug_mode 1/0

Type: Boolean

0 = Disabled, 1 = Ambient Occlusion, 2 = Albedo Colors, 3 = Metalness, 4 = Roughness, 5 = Diffuse Lighting, 6 = Normals, 7 = Normal Map, 8 = Reflectance, 9 = IBL Prefilter, 10 = IBL Irradiance, 11 = Emission, 12 = Lightmaps, 13 = Lightmap Uvs, 14 = Unlit, 15 = Show CSM cascades, 16 = Shadow Map Depth, 17 = Forward+ Heatmap.

render_draw_dynamic <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = Don't draw props.

render_draw_glow <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = Glow-effects aren't drawn.

render_draw_particles <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = Particles aren't drawn.

render_draw_scene <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = Scene isn't drawn.

render_draw_sky <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = Sky isn't drawn.

render_draw_static <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = Don't draw level geometry.

render_draw_translucent <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = Don't draw translucent objects.

render_draw_view <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = View-Models aren't drawn.

render_draw_water <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 0 = Water isn't drawn.

render_draw_world <value>

Type: String

1 = Default, 2 = Wireframe, 0 = Don't draw world.

render_dynamic_lighting_enabled 1/0

Type: Boolean

Enables or disables dynamic lighting.

render_dynamic_shadows_enabled 1/0

Type: Boolean

Enables or disables dynamic shadows.

render_forwardplus_tile_size <value>

Type: String

Changes the tile size used for the light culling in forward+.

render_hdr_max_exposure <value>

Type: String

Expore will be clamped at this value. Can be overwritten by the map.

render_ibl_enabled 1/0

Type: Boolean

Enables or disables image-based lighting.

render_instancing_enabled 1/0

Type: Boolean

Enables or disables instanced rendering.

render_instancing_threshold [2,inf]

Type: UInt32

The threshold at which to start instancing entities if instanced rendering is enabled (render_instancing_threshold). Must not be lower than 2!

render_multithreaded_rendering_enabled 1/0

Type: Boolean

Enables or disables multi-threaded rendering. Some renderers (like OpenGL) don't support multi-threaded rendering and will ignore this flag.

render_normalmapping_enabled <value>

Type: String

1 = Normal mapping enabled, 0 = disabled.

render_pp_nightvision <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables night vision.

render_pp_nightvision_color_amplification <value>

Type: String

Amplification factor for pixels with low luminance.

render_pp_nightvision_luminance_threshold <value>

Type: String

Changes the luminance threshold for the night vision post-processing effect.

render_pp_nightvision_noise_texture <value>

Type: String

Noise texture to use for the night vision post-processing effect.

render_queue_entities_per_worker_job [1,50]

Type: UInt32

Number of entities for each job processed by a worker thread.

render_queue_worker_jobs_per_batch [0,10]

Type: UInt32

Number of worker jobs to accumulate in a batch before assigning a worker.

render_queue_worker_thread_count [1,10]

Type: UInt32

Number of threads to use for generating render queues.

render_shadow_quality <value>

Type: String

Shadowmap Quality. This affects the detail of the object shadows that are being rendered

render_technique <value>

Type: String

0 = Rasterization, 1 = Raytracing

render_texture_filtering <value>

Type: String

0 = Nearest-Neighbor, 1 = Bilinear, 2 = trilinear.

render_vsync_enabled <value>

Type: String

1 = Vertical sync enabled, 0 = disabled.

sh_lua_remote_debugging <value>

Type: String

0 = Remote debugging is disabled; 1 = Remote debugging is enabled serverside; 2 = Remote debugging is enabled clientside. Cannot be changed during an active game. Also requires the "-luaext" launch parameter. Remote debugging cannot be enabled clientside and serverside at the same time.

sh_mount_external_game_resources <value>

Type: String

If set to 1, the game will attempt to load missing resources from external games.

sky_override <value>

Type: String

Replaces the material for all current skyboxes with the specified material.

steam_steamworks_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables steamworks.

sv_acceleration <value>

Type: String

Player acceleration. If this is too low, the player will be unable to reach full movement speed due to friction forces.

sv_allowcslua <value>

Type: String

1 = Clients can run own clientside scripts, 0 = Custom clientside scripts aren't allowed.

sv_allowdownload <value>

Type: String

Specifies whether clients are allowed to download resources from the server.

sv_allowupload <value>

Type: String

Specifies whether clients are allowed to upload resources to the server (e.g. spraylogos).

sv_cheats <value>

Type: String

Allows clients to run console commands which are marked as cheats if set to 1.

sv_debug_physics_draw <value>

Type: String

Draws various serverside physics information as wireframe.

sv_friction <value>

Type: String

Global friction scale.

sv_gamemode <value>

Type: String

Gamemode which should be used when starting a game.

sv_gravity <value>

Type: String

Specifies the default gravity force and direction. Certain entities may overwrite this for themselves.

sv_maxplayers <value>

Type: String

Specifies the maximum amount of players that are allowed to join the server.

sv_noclip_speed <value>

Type: String

The speed at which players can move in noclip mode.

sv_password <value>

Type: String

Sets a password for the server. No player will be able to join, unless they provide the correct password using the 'password' command.

sv_physics_simulation_enabled <value>

Type: String

Enables or disables physics simulation.

sv_player_air_move_scale <value>

Type: String

The scale at which players are still able to move while in the air. 0 = Players can't move until they've landed, 1 = Players can move freely while in the air

sv_port_tcp <value>

Type: String

TCP port which will be used when starting a server.

sv_port_udp <value>

Type: String

UDP port which will be used when starting a server.

sv_require_authentication 1/0

Type: Boolean

If enabled, clients will have to authenticate via steam to join the server.

sv_restitution <value>

Type: String

Global restitution scale.

sv_servername <value>

Type: String

The server name which will be displayed in the server browser.

sv_tickrate <value>

Type: String

Specifies the tickrate. A higher tickrate means smoother and more reliable physics, but also more data to transmit to clients. Higher values can result in more lag for clients.

sv_timeout_duration <value>

Type: String

Amount of time until a client is forcibly dropped if no data has been received.

sv_use_p2p_if_available <value>

Type: String

Use a peer-to-peer connection if the selected networking layer supports it.

sv_water_surface_simulation_edge_iteration_count <value>

Type: String

The more iterations, the more detailed the water simulation will be, but at a great performance cost.

sv_water_surface_simulation_shared <value>

Type: String

If enabled, water surface simulation will be shared between client and server (Simulation is only performed once). This will only have an effect in single-player or on listen servers.



Triggers the primary fire for the player character's equipped weapon.


Triggers the secondary fire for the player character's equipped weapon.


Triggers the tertiary fire for the player character's equipped weapon.


Triggers the quaternary fire for the player character's equipped weapon.


Moves the player character backward while active.


Prompts the player character to crouch.


Moves the player character forward while active.


Prompts the player character to jump.


Moves the player character left while active.


Triggers the reload for the player character's equipped weapon.


Moves the player character right while active.


Enables sprinting while moving forward.


Continuously turns the player character leftwards.


Continuously turns the player character leftwards.


Continuously turns the player character leftwards.


Continuously turns the player character leftwards.


Prompts the player character to use whatever is in front of him.


Enables walking while moving forward.


Triggers the primary fire for the player character's equipped weapon.


Triggers the secondary fire for the player character's equipped weapon.


Triggers the tertiary fire for the player character's equipped weapon.


Triggers the quaternary fire for the player character's equipped weapon.


Moves the player character backward while active.


Prompts the player character to crouch.


Moves the player character forward while active.


Prompts the player character to jump.


Moves the player character left while active.


Triggers the reload for the player character's equipped weapon.


Moves the player character right while active.


Enables sprinting while moving forward.


Continuously turns the player character leftwards.


Continuously turns the player character leftwards.


Continuously turns the player character leftwards.


Continuously turns the player character leftwards.


Prompts the player character to use whatever is in front of him.


Enables walking while moving forward.


Clears all unused assets from memory.


Clears all unused materials from memory.


Clears all unused models from memory.


Clears all unused textures from memory.


Binds a key to a command string. Usage: bind <key> <command>


Prints a list of all bindable keys to the console.


Prints out debug information about recent net-messages.


Prints a list of all current clientside entities in the world.


Finds similar console commands to whatever was given as argument.


Prints all timer query results to the console.


Prints a list of all clientside console commands to the console.


Sends a text message to the server and displays it in the console. Usage: cl_send <message>


Sends a text message to the server via UDP and displays it in the console. Usage: cl_send_udp <message>


Reloads the steam audio scene cache.


Clears everything in the console.


Clears all of the cached engine files.


Closes the server (if active) and drops all connected clients.


Attempts to connect to the specified server. Usage: connect <ipV6/ipV4> or connect <steamId> or without arguments to re-try the last attempt.


Forces the engine to crash.


Prints a list of developers.


Prints the current schedule behavior tree for the specified NPC on screen.


Prints the current schedule behavior tree for the specified NPC.


Prints information about whatever the local player is looking at.


Applies a global DSP effect. Usage: debug_audio_aux_effect <dspName> <gain>


Prints information about all active server- and clientside sounds to the console.


Dumps the glsl code for the specified shader.


Displays the glyph map for the specified font. If no arguments are specified, all available fonts will be listed. Usage: debug_font <fontName>


Displays the glyph map for the specified font.


Displays the scene glow texture on screen. Usage: debug_glow_bloom <1/0>


Prints information about the GUI element currently hovered over by the cursor.


Displays the scene bloom texture on screen. Usage: debug_hdr_bloom <1/0>


Displays the hitboxes for the entity under the crosshair, or the entity with the given name (If it was specified.).


Displays the depth map for the given light on screen. Call without arguments to turn the display off. Usage: debug_light_shadowmap <lightEntityIndex>


Prints debug information about all light sources in the scene.


Displays the lightmaps for the loaded level.


Sets an end point for a navigation path. Use debug_nav_path_start to set the start point. The path will be drawn in the scene once both points have been set.


Sets a start point for a navigation path. Use debug_nav_path_end to set the end point.


Specifies the blend mode arguments for particle systems that use the 'custom' alpha mode. Argument order: <srcColorBlendFactor> <dstColorBlendFactor> <srcAlphaBlendFactor> <dstAlphaBlendFactor> <opColor> <opAlpha>. Blend factor options: zero, one, src_color, one_minus_src_color, dst_color, one_minus_dst_color, src_alpha, one_minus_src_alpha, dst_alpha, one_minus_dst_alpha, constant_color, one_minus_constant_color, constant_alpha, one_minus_constant_alpha, src_alpha_saturate, src1_color, one_minus_src1_color, src1_alpha, one_minus_src1_alpha Operation options: add, subtract, reverse_subtract, min, max


Displays the irradiance, prefilter and brdf map for the closest cubemap.


Displays prepass buffers to screen.


Prints physics profiling information for the last simulation step.


Prints physics profiling information for the last simulation step.


Prints the last profiled times.


Draws the scene depth buffer to screen.


Prints some timing information to the console.


Prints information about the current GPU memory budget.


Prints statistics about the current GPU memory usage.


Finds the specified entity in the octree for dynamic objects.


Prints the octree for dynamic objects to the console, or a file if a file name is specified.


Prints the octree for static world geometry to the console, or a file if a file name is specified.


Displays scene to screen.


Prints information about the next frame.


Enables or disables the specified validation error.


Displays the ssao buffers to screen.


Saves the steam audio scene as OBJ file.


Displays the mipmaps of the given texture. Usage: debug_texture_mipmaps <texturePath>


Prints information about the currently loaded textures.


Displays the reflection, refraction and refraction depth map for the given water-entity on screen. Call without arguments to turn the display off. Usage: debug_light_water <waterEntityIndex>


Disconnects from the server (if a connection is active), or closes the game if in single player mode.


Drops the player's active weapon.


Prints something to the console. Usage: echo <message>


Creates and spawns a new entity with the given class name at the position in the world the player is looking at. Usage: ent_create <className>


Triggers the given input on the specified entity. Usage: ent_input <entityName/entityClass> <input>


Removes the specified entity, or the entity the player is looking at if no argument is provided. Usage: ent_remove <entityName/className>


Changes the scale of the specified entity. Usage: ent_input <entityName/entityClass> <scale>


Prints a list of all current serverside entities in the world.


Executes a config file. Usage exec <fileName>


Exits the game.


Finds similar console commands to whatever was given as argument.


Toggles the flashlight.


Prints the current fps to the console.


Prints the current angles of the local player to the console.


Prints the current angles of the camera to the console.


Prints the current position of the camera.


Prints the current position of the local player to the console.


Gives the local player the specified ammunition.


Gives the local player the specified weapon and deploys it.


Toggles god mode. Requires cheats to be enabled (Or single player mode running).


Instantly sends a heartbeat to the master server.


Find help about a convar/concommand.


Applies the specified amount of damage to self.


Prints a list of all active key bindings to the console.


Kicks the specified player for the given reason. Usage: kick <playerId/playerName> <reason>


Prints a list of all serverside console commands to the console.


Prints a list of all available list to the console.






Reloads all localization files.


Adds the specified message to the engine log. Usage: log <msg>.


Opens the specified lua-file and outputs a precompiled file with the same name (And the extension '.clua').


Opens and executes a lua-file on the server.


Opens and executes a lua-file on the client.


Prints information about the specified function, library or enum (or the closest candiate). Usage: lua_help <function/library/enum>.


Reloads the scripts for all registered lua entity classes.


Reloads the scripts for the given entity class. Usage: lua_reload_entity <className>


Reloads the scripts for the given weapon class. Usage: lua_reload_weapon <className>


Reloads the scripts for all registered lua weapon classes.


Runs a lua command on the server lua state.


Runs a lua command on the client lua state.


Runs a lua command on the GUI lua state.


Loads the given map immediately. Usage: map <mapName>


Build all reflection probes in the map. Use the '-rebuild' argument to clear all current IBL textures first. Use 'debug_pbr_ibl' to check the probes after they have been built.


Rebuilds the lightmaps for the current map. Note that this will only work if the map was compiled with lightmap uvs.


Generates a navigation mesh for the current map and saves it as a navigation file.


Reloads the navigation mesh for the current map.


Switches to the next weapon in the player's inventory.


Toggles noclip mode. Requires cheats to be enabled (Or single player mode running).


Toggles notarget mode. Requires cheats to be enabled (Or single player mode running).


Switches to the previous weapon in the player's inventory.


Exits the game.


Sends the given command to the server and runs it serverside. Usage: rcon <command>


Reloads the given material (and textures associated with it). Usage: reloadmaterial <materialFile>


Reloads all loaded materials and textures.


Prints information about the current render API to the console.




Writes the contents of the screen into a .tga-file in 'screenshots/'. The name of the file will start with the map's name, or 'pragma' if no map is loaded. After the name follows an ID which is incremented each time. You can use 'screenshot 1' to take a screenshot without the GUI (Ingame only).


Changes the angles of the local player. Requires cheats to be enabled. Usage: setang <pitch> <yaw> <roll>


Changes the position of the local player. Requires cheats to be enabled. Usage: setpos <x> <y> <z>


Prints a list of all currently loaded shaders


Uses LunarGLASS to optimize the specified shader.


Reloads a specific shader, or all registered shaders if no arguments are given. Usage: shader_reload <shaderName>


Precaches and immediately plays the given sound file. Usage: sound_play <soundFile>


Stops all sounds that are currently playing.


Starts an internet server. Requires a running game.


Prints information about the current connection to the console.


Strips all weapons from the local player.


Commit suicide.


Prints out debug information about recent net-messages.


Sends a text message to all connected clients and displays it in the console. Usage: sv_send <message>


Sends a text message to all connected clients via UDP and displays it in the console. Usage: sv_send_udp <message>


Toggles between first- and third-person mode.


Toggles the specified console variable between 0 and 1.


Toggles the developer console.


Converts a UDM file from binary to ASCII or the other way around.


Validates the specified UDM file.


Unbinds the given key.


Unbinds all keys.


Prints the current engine version to the console.


Dumps all available vulkan extensions to 'vk_extensions.txt'.


Dumps all vulkan features to 'vk_features.txt'.


Dumps all vulkan format properties to 'vk_format_properties.txt'.


Dumps all vulkan image format properties to 'vk_image_format_properties.txt'.


Dumps all available vulkan layers to 'vk_layers.txt'.


Dumps all vulkan limitations to 'vk_limits.txt'.


Dumps information about currently allocated GPU memory.


Prints information about currently allocated GPU memory to the console.