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Console Commands

Variables audio_api <audioApi> Type: String The underlying audio API to use. cache_version <v...


Game Mounting

Pragma can automatically import assets that can't be found in its native formats from one of the ...

Material Overrides

Material overrides allow you to change the material (or material properties) for an individual ac...

UDM Editor

The UDM editor can be used to make changes to UDM-based data, which includes most of Pragma's ass...

Particle Editor

This article is a work-in-progress. Creating a Particle System To create a new particle system,...

Rendering Animations

This workflow assumes that you have already set up a project ready for rendering, and that you ha...

Rendering Posters

This article is a work-in-progress! Please check back another time. This workflow assumes that y...

Steam Keys


See progress reports for a showcase of new features. Version 1.0.5 [2022-08-30] Filmmaker v0.4....

Pragma Renderer

Please see the Rendering Animations workflow for information on how to use the Pragma renderer.

Rendering for Virtual Reality

Please see this article for information on how to render for Virtual Reality devices.

Actor Editor

The actor editor window is where you can add new actors to your scene, or change actor properties...


Above is the initial view you should be seeing when launching PFM for the first time. The inter...

Model Catalog

The model catalog shows a list of all of the available model assets. This includes all of the a...


The viewport window provides a real-time preview of your scene which you can interact with to sel...

External Render Tool

While it's possible to render images directly in the Filmmaker, it is not recommended for final r...



PFM supports four light source types: Sun Lights (aka directional light or environmental light) ...

Virtual Reality

PFM allows you to easily render image sequences for VR videos: (Click and drag your left mouse...